Born To Be Miserable

Friday, June 29, 2012

The latest information from the National Institute of Justice on Human Trafficking

This person looked like they could have been an attractive person before they ended up like this...

NIJ has released two new studies on human traffickingIdentifying Challenges to Improve the Investigation and Prosecution of State and Local Human Trafficking Case and National Overview of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Efforts.
Identifying Challenges to Improve the Investigation and Prosecution of State and Local Human Trafficking Cases
Most cases of trafficking start with a tip to law enforcement, but the tip usually does not come from the victim. Most cases go forward to prosecution, but most are not charged as trafficking cases per se. They are prosecuted under older laws, such as those against promoting prostitution.
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National Overview of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Efforts
"Demand reduction" strategies focus on actions designed to reduce sex buying. Through demand reduction strategies, state and local jurisdictions find ways to reduce prostitution and sex trafficking. Researchers in a study released in June 2012 found that American localities used various strategies that focused on sex buyers, colloquially known as "johns."
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Kimberly says:
"YIKES!!!!! I HAVE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS TOPIC!!! - another Born To Be Miserable" type of thing."   Read on...

Dear Mr. Mockensturn with NIJ,

In Columbus. Ohio a shelter which is supposed to be 'transitional housing' to lead to apartments for women is unusually marked. There are sheets above the beds there, two beds per room, and two rooms per 'pod' which have a sheet of paper above them with a Letter/number and a three digit number. The staff there, who are not interested in people staying there for prolonged time periods, would not say why this was the case, but there was a hiring freeze there also. The set up is something like this on the same sheet of paper: C6 - 186 (like a row and a drawer number in a morgue, or a grave in a cemetary). There was a woman there who had an ugly numbered 'Nazi' type of tattoo on her neck. The Tattoo was not cute or pretty and was not a picture. The woman claimed to be one of then Governor Kasick's relatives from Ohio and said that she received the tattoo in a genuine concentration camp in Germany. I do not know why they emulated the "set up" in a public women's shelter. The Attorney General's office of Ohio in Columbus, Ohio was informed about this at the time. This could be an interesting thing to take another look at now, Mr. Mockensturn, about 6 months later.


Kimberly! :)

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