Born To Be Miserable

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kiplinger's link to an article entiteld "Why We Fall for Scams" and my comments - by Kimberly Koerber-Bauer-Koerber

"HEY!  COME BACK!!!!!!!!  Where are all of my household belongings???
Stop that bus!"

...could be the cry of another "disgrundled customer" of "Sex With Slaves",
a burglary hostile forclosure program developed in Ohio.

This article reminds me of the fraud that occurred in Ohio.  I got divorced and was living in my ex-husband's hometown or Wooster, Ohio.  My project was "The Indigo Drum", which was a hub based project with Social Work on One side, a writing 'bridge' and Law Enforcement on the other.  I applied for Federal Funding and got checks from private contributors.  Crooks from that town kept the money, as did in Kentucky at PNC bank.  Instead of this being a Federal agency project, the joke was on me and all of the people who invested because crooks decided that this was supposed to be part of a crooks political launch and they needed to invest this money in the cocaine ring, to make one of the crooks popular in Ohio.  I have filed Federal complaints over this and did again recently.  The crooks are on the auditory (heard or listening mode) of our intelligence system and are responsible for shutting down various companies including Eddie Bauer.  The crooks also got into "Hollywood" and came up with an actor named "Kim Bauer" to rip me off in other ways - hahahaha - no divorce settlement.  I really was trying to raise money for the project at the time.  Now, I notice that this project is bonded with “African OPEC” issues on a link the crooks send me via email to laugh at me further.  I had a grandiose mentally ill younger sister, now using the name of Cheryl Newman, who may be behind this with her friends, but this is still a source of harassment even today, and I have been unable to obtain decent employment, a decent life, or the ability to break free from this abuse for years.  This sister wanted to be rich.  These are not much that I can do about this.  This cocaine ring is still something I am not in favor of.  Prior to this swindle fiasco occurring, my fingerprints were even on file to verify my identity.  I am broke today and living in North Carolina, currently because of this situation going on in Ohio.

Maybe I will be back.  Maybe I won't.  Who knows.

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Episcopal/Anglican Church Shield in blue

Episcopal/Anglican Church Shield in blue
"I have been a member of the Episcopal Church all of my life"

About Me

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Hello! I am a Social Worker (since 1990) and a writer. I am seeking writing jobs, funding for my Writing business called "the Indigo Drum" and a way to run an office again, plus a car.